Attract new customers

5 Ways To Woo Your Customers Until They Swoon


When trying to attract new customers, it can be a lot like the dating game. First, you visualise your dream date. Then you put on your best dress, work the social scene and charm them into wanting more. Once you have their interest, then comes the hard part, to get them to commit to a lifelong love affair.
Start romancing your customers with these

5 smooth steps and score the perfect relationship to attract new customers:

  1. Matchmaker, matchmaker – Just as you have the perfect mate in mind when you hit the dating scene, you absolutely need to know who your dream customer is before you start to woo him. You need to understand his pet likes and his pet peeves so that you can impress him with strategic campaigns and pure charm.
  2. Preen for the dating scene – You wouldn’t think of turning up for a first (or even second) date wearing a baggy old tracksuit. No, you would dress to impress. To attract your dream customer, you need to do a little grooming and the first port of call should be your website. Take a look at it from your customer’s perspective. Does it communicate your brand message clearly? Does it make you look good? Is it easy to navigate? Is it even noticeable and does it have the right SEO? Does it speak to the heart of your dream customer? Be honest when answering these important questions. If you find yourself saying NO to even one, then you need to revamp your existing website to get back in the game.
  3. Get onto the social scene and flirt – Whether you want to or not, you need to jack up your social game or wilt away as a wallflower. Since the pandemic, all businesses, big and small, are showing themselves off on social media. Decide where you think your dream customer is hanging out. Is she networking on LinkedIn or socialising on Facebook? Devise a marketing plan to attract your customer using delicious content in the form of copy, images and videos which all tell her everything that she wants to know about you. Don’t be fake. Be real and sincere. Offer meaningful information about yourself. Show your customer how much she needs you and do this with flair.
  4. Give them a gift – Show your customers how much you care for them by treating them to something special. It could be a freebie or a discount. What you want to do is flirt with them on social media and once you have their attention you want to invite them to download a special gift from your website. This is called a lead magnet which, if planned and designed properly, will be irresistible enough that your customer is happy to exchange his contact details and other valuable marketing information in exchange for receiving it – normally something that can be downloaded from your website like an ebook or a voucher, etc.
  5. Keep the romance alive – Just like any relationship, there needs to be good, consistent communication and the way to keep your customer interested once you have done all the romancing is via insightful articles and newsletters. Keep rolling them out with worthwhile information and you will keep the relationship alive and well. Articles can offer tips and case studies which speak to the heart of your customer and should be published on your website and social media. Newsletters should offer all the inside juice relating to your business – new products, special promotions and more. These should be sent out to your various databases.

The more you put into your efforts to attract new customers, the more you will get out. It really is that simple! Be attentive, be authentic and be consistent in your communication and you will end up in a happy relationship.

Contact us if you are unsure about the customer dating game and we will help you devise a marketing strategy that will make your customers swoon

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