Have you met your Customer Avatar?
Have You Met Your Customer Avatar? What is a customer avatar? Most of us can relate to Avatar as a Sci-Fi masterpiece by James Cameron that literally shattered box office records a decade ago (and finally it seems we can look forward to the release of its...
Let’s talk about marketing ROI
Let’s Talk About Marketing ROI Perhaps one of the best things about digitally marketing your brand is that you are able to better measure the impact it has on your audience and adjust where necessary to ultimately achieve greater marketing ROI.But before we get...
Attract New Customers: Five ways to woo your customers until they swoon
5 Ways To Woo Your Customers Until They Swoon When trying to attract new customers, it can be a lot like the dating game. First, you visualise your dream date. Then you put on your best dress, work the social scene and charm them into wanting more. Once you...